ZillaGrip Room Temperature 3D Print Coating Kit. Includes 6 oz (50% more!) ZillaGrip glass bed coating fluid, Silicone reusable Applicator This kit allows printing of PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon, PolyCarbonate (PC), Polypropylene (PP) and Delrin (POM) at room temperature on a cold bed, No Heated Bed is Necessary for Printing. Just apply the ZillaGrip liquid, let it dry, and you are ready to print. Heat the bed to remove a print. You can use your heated bed control, a heatgun or a blowdryer. You can add Zillagrip to only those areas that need to be recoated--it sticks to itself. You will be printing Nylon and Polycarbonate like it was PLA. Truly Revolutionary Product.